- You are paid for the time you spend actively surfing the World Wide Web using the Viewbar service. You're also paid for the time your direct referrals (people who enter your Member ID when they sign up) spend online and for the time your extended referrals (people referred to AllAdvantage by your direct referrals and people referred by your direct referrals' referrals through four levels) spend online. There is no limit to the number of referrals you can get paid for.
- Currently you get paid for a maximum of 15 hours of active surfing a month with the Viewbar service.
- (for US. For all country see Global Payment Table)
- You will received a payment once a month—in your national currency—between 25 and 45 days after the end
of the month in which you become eligible for a payment.
Your balance at the end of the month is below the minimum pay-out amount for your country, in which case the balance is rolled over to the next month. As you surf the next month, your earnings are added to the rolled-over balance. - Member payments for the previous month’s surfing are sent out between the 20th and 30th of each month.
- Minimum pay-out amounts and other data are available from our Global Payment Table.
- Every day, AllAdvantage.com’s Viewbar service delivers benefits to our active members.
All Advantage started by rewarding members in just a few countries, but now
AllAdvantage is expanding into other parts of the world. As of today, Viewbar software is release in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland (Republic of), Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, the US (and territories).
- AllAdvantage has made being rewarded for surfing the Web a global phenomenon!
- Payment for Referrals
- You're paid for the time your referrals are surfing with an active Viewbar window up to the amount of time that you actively surf. Here's an example (using US payment rates for the calculation):
- For the first 25 hours you're using the Internet with our Viewbar activated:
- - You're compensated $.50 per
- For the first 25 hours each direct referral spends on the Internet with our Viewbar activated:
- - They're compensated $.50 per hour.
- - You're compensated $.10 per hour.
- For the first 25 hours each extended referral spends on the Internet with our Viewbar activated:
- - They're compensated $.50 per hour.
- - The member who referred them is compensated $.10 per hour.
- - You're compensated $.05 per hour.
- They are three rates of pay: your rate, your direct referral rate, and your extended referral rate. Extended referral credit expands through four levels, as illustrated below:
You | Direct Referrals | Extended Referrals (1) | Extended Referrals (2) | Extended Referrals (3) | Extended Referrals (4) |  |  |  |  |  |  | Hourly rate you're paid when your referrals are online: | $.50 | $.10 | $.05 | $.05 | $.05 | $.05 |
- Here’s how it works: the hours you surf are compared with those of your direct and indirect referrals. Right now, the maximum number of hours per month is the same for all members worldwide, so every minute you surf makes you eligible for one minute of referral income for each of your referrals. If, for example, you surf 15 hours in a month and you have a referral who surfs 25, then you would only be credited with 15 hours of that referral’s time. Conversely, if you surf 25 hours, and your referral surfs only 20, you get credit for 20 hours of referral surfing.
- You can see that it’s in your best interest, and in the best interests of your referrals, to surf the maximum number of hours allowed in a month. And also that recruiting a substantial number of referrals can add up to quite a lot of money.
- Payment Rates in Various Countries
- To make the AllAdvantage membership work worldwide, it was developed a multicurrency payment system that was convenient to our members, avoids the excessive bank charges associated with foreign-currency transactions, and reduces our members’ exposure to currency fluctuations in world markets. This payment system provides much of the data on your Account Information page. The hourly rate you earn for your and your referrals’ surfing is based on the payment rate in each member’s country. Earnings from other countries will be converted into your national currency. Exchange rates are updated on the last day of the month for the following month, and earnings for your personal surfing and for your referrals’ surfing are displayed in your local currency on your Account Information page. Please see the
- Global Payment Table for specific rates that apply to you and your referrals.
- For example, you live in Germany, and your referrals live in France, Italy, Germany, Japan, and the US. You’d see payment rates like those below:
You | Direct Referrals FRANCE | Extended Referrals (1) ITALY | Extended Referrals (2) GERMANY | Extended Referrals (3) JAPAN | Extended Referrals (4) US |  |  |  |  |  |  | Hourly rate you're paid when your referrals are online: | DEM 1 | FRF .6 | ITL 100 | DEM .2 | JPY 5 | USD .05 |
- These rates would be converted into your own country’s currency and displayed in your Account Information page.